
Nombre: tar.py
Autor: James Knowlton
Descripción: Realiza acciones en un archivo tar basado en la selección de menú
Visto en: Developer Works

import tarfile, sys

    #open tarfile
    tar = tarfile.open(sys.argv[1], "r:tar")

    #present menu and get selection
    selection = raw_input("Enter\n\
    1 to extract a file\n\
    2 to display information on a file in the archive\n\
    3 to list all the files in the archive\n\n")

    #perform actions based on selection above
    if selection == "1":
        filename = raw_input("enter the filename to extract:  ")
    elif selection == "2":
        filename = raw_input("enter the filename to inspect:  ")
        for tarinfo in tar:
            if tarinfo.name == filename:
                print "\n\
                Filename:\t\t", tarinfo.name, "\n\
                Size:\t\t", tarinfo.size, "bytes\n"
    elif selection == "3":
        print tar.list(verbose=True)

    print "There was a problem running the program"

Permisos: chmod 700 tar.py 
Ejecución: ./tar.py [ archivo.tar ]

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